What I Hope To Achieve During The Next Lockdown

Thursday, November 5, 2020

With another lockdown starting today in England, I thought now would be a good time to try and take control of my time in advance and see how I can use it most wisely in the next 4 weeks of being indoors. Lockdown is difficult for many and it's easy to fall into bad habits and a difficult mental state. Now I'm not saying I will stick to this by the book and magically be more productive than ever before but I would certainly like to feel like I have done my best and not fallen into a dark place by the end of it. So, here's a list of 5 things I'd like to achieve during the next lockdown...


My blog has taken a hard hit these past 2 years and unfortunately I have let it slide. I have already worked on blog posts for the whole of November however I would like to use this lockdown period to continue this positive streak and create content for December onwards. 

Read More 

When I was a kid I was the biggest book worm however as soon as my phone became a priority the books were tossed to one side. I would really like to have more phone-free days and use the time to get back into reading (I literally have so many books ready to read!)
Work on Stress Management 

This one certainly isn't going to be an overnight miracle but I would at least like to start working on some stress management techniques. I have suffered with stress and anxiety since about 2010 so getting a handle on it has certainly been a long time coming.


There's no denying that, like many others, I spent a large portion of Lockdown #1 in pjs on the sofa. I would like to try and limit my lazy days this time and at least get myself dressed into loungewear and sticking to some kind of routine. 

Regular Fresh Air

This might sound so stupid but during the first lockdown I was a bugger for staying indoors 24/7 and not getting out and getting fresh air. This time around I want to try and keep active and go on regular walks to get plenty of fresh air (even if it means wrapping in 4 layers every time).

So that's the 5 things I want to try achieve during Lockdown #2 - hopefully I can keep them up and keep a little more sane. This time around I have a little part time job too, which I will be able to keep doing so that will get me out a little as well. Most importantly though, if I don't manage to keep up with these, I don't want to beat myself up about it. I just want to know I've done my best!

As a little side note, I just want to say I'm always here if anyone needs someone to talk to in these crazy times. I'd also love to know if there's anything you're looking to achieve over the next 4 weeks too!

Disclaimer: This blog post is in no way sponsored and all opinions and photographs are my own.


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