IVF Journey Planner/Diary

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Back in September we had a very lovely stay in a lodge for our first wedding anniversary and as usual my lovely sister in law took on the role of house/pet sitter. When we got home, not only had she done a lovely job of keeping our house clean and safe - she'd also left us a gift on the kitchen worktop! As soon as I opened it and realised what it was I bawled my eyes out (we should all know I'm a crier by now). She had bought us this beautiful A5 IVF planner ready for when the IVF part of our journey starts!

So, tears aside, I thought it was a really nice touch the way the planner had been packaged (I'm a sucker for cute packaging). It had been wrapped in tissue paper fixed with shiny pineapple tape and had a lovely quote card on the top. I knew that I'd want to share it with you all so I remember trying so hard not to rip anything when opening it! 

Inside the diary there is something for every stage of IVF from the consultations to the 2 week wait. It was actually created by a lady who was at the time going through her second round of IVF so she has really put everything you could possibly need inside. Not only does it cover things like acronyms, medication and egg collection but it is also filled with positive sayings and tips to hopefully help you along your cycle. 

So far I haven't been able to put much into the planner as we are still waiting to start our cycle following COVID delays but as soon as I can I know I'll be keen to put as much into it as possible. I'm not shy about saying this journey is really bloody difficult and as silly as it may sound - little things like this really do mean a lot as they help you feel more in control even though you're not necessarily. It will also be great to keep in a memory box for the future to hopefully give to our future child whenever that time may come. 

All in all I'm so so pleased with my planner and can't wait to start using it! Everything about it so far seems amazing and should we need any future rounds of IVF I can definitely see myself buying another one. (I will of course update you when I can actually start using it to let you know if my opinion has changed at all).

Let me know if you're happy to share, have you been through IVF? If so did you purchase any type of planner or journal to help you through your cycle?

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Disclaimer: This blog post is in no way sponsored and all opinions and photographs are my own however the planner/diary was purchased as a gift by the lovely sister in law.


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