Bonfire Night at Home

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Bonfire Night might be a little different this year with the many restrictions going on up and down the country but it doesn't mean we all have to miss out. Bonfire night is actually one of my favourite 'holidays' and last year I wasn't able to celebrate as I was in bed all day poorly. This year I'm not letting it go by without celebrating it in some way so I thought I'd put together a little list of ways to have fun on Bonfire Night while safe at home.

 Virtual Quiz Night

This year we have decided that we're all going to have a quiz night as we can't be together so we're popping on good old Zoom, having teams of 2 and hopefully laughing the night away at each others stupid answers. Me and Kal are being the hosts so all everyone will need to do is join my link when I send it to them and be ready with their pen and paper! I actually can't wait.

Safe Sparklers

Now I'm not going to recommend actual fireworks as I know they're not for everyone and I'm not sure of safety logistics of everyone doing them in their back gardens. However, sparklers are still a fun little Bonfire Night tradition and are much cheaper, safer and less noisy too! If you want to be extra careful with the kids, as well as making them wear gloves, I've also heard you can stick the sparkler in a carrot for easier and safer holding!

Yummy Food

I don't know about anyone else, but when I lived at home my mum always used to make certain foods for us on Bonfire night to warm us up after the firework display. We used to have things like hot dogs, chilli con carne or jacket potatoes and would all look forward to it every year. If you can't get together with extended family on the 5th, why not still enjoy a lovely festive meal or even better make some Bonfire inspired treats!

Arts & Crafts

This is aimed more at the little ones but some bonfire night crafts could be a lot of fun while keeping them warm and safe at home. They could create something as little as a bonfire picture on black card with glitter etc or go all out and make their very own paper lantern! Stick on a movie in the background and it could be a fun (and probably messy) few hours.

Game Night

For those with larger households - a fun little game night might be just the alternative for you! Now, I'm not saying you have to play monopoly until every single one of you has fallen out with each other but a few games of charades or cluedo by the fire might just bring everyone together. This is perfect as you can go as big or as small as you like - alcohol, snacks, pjs - you name it!

We'll be doing a few of these things tomorrow - the virtual quiz night is all prepared and I'm pretty sure there'll be some comfort food too. What are your plans this Bonfire Night? Whatever you're up to I hope you're keeping safe!

Disclaimer: This blog post is in no way sponsored and all opinions and photographs are my own.


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