If you have been following my blog recently you may have seen my Purple Vouchers Book post last week and as I mentioned, I want to keep you updated on some days out we have using the book. The first day our we've had is Lincolnshire Wildlife Park using our 2 for 1 voucher so today's post is all about our day and a little review.
So, Lincolnshire Wildlife Park is an Animal Sanctuary in Friskney, Boston. It is one of the UK's largest animal sanctuary's and is home to nearly 2000 birds, 11 tigers and many other gorgeous animals. It's also home to a cute little diner, children's play area and 'animal snax shack' where you can purchase animal feed at £1 a bag and feed some of the animals as you go around.

Throughout the park there are numerous aviaries with many beautiful birds in. We really enjoyed feeding the parrots monkey nuts and found it funny how no matter how many people fed them, they never got bored! One thing I will say (which is a bit of a given) is that there are more birds than any other animal so if your children/ you aren't that interested in birds it may not be the place for you. However, we did have a lot of fun talking to them all and feeding them so it is each to their own of course!
Kallum really enjoyed the walk in aviary and found a little friend to feed some Millet to. This wasn't my favourite part as admittingly I was a bit freaked out about them flying near my head but lots of people enjoyed it and were kneeling down for them to land on their heads etc.
We visited on a weekday but the park was actually still quite busy with it being the summer holidays. It definitely didn't ruin the day though and we still managed to see everything which was good as I know some places you miss out due to 'traffic'!
One of my favourite animals to see was the Reindeer. As silly as it sounds they make me so excited for Christmas and they were super friendly, eating grass from other visitors hands!
Now onto my favourite, the tigers. We were so lucky in the fact one of them was up close to the glass so we got a really good look at him/her! Everyone was so excited and we stayed by this little home the longest! You can actually book a meet the tigers session which I think would be amazing as they're such beautiful creatures. By far the best part of the day!
Unfortunately the black panther was hiding in the bushes so we didn't get a good look at him but back near the beginning we got to feed the cutest little meerkats and have a look and some more gorgeous but noisy birds!
As I mentioned, animal feed is only £1 per bag and really adds to the day! Actual admission is £10.36 for adults, £9.03 for children and £9.45 for concessions/carers. Of course, we used our purple vouchers book ticket so we only paid £10.36 for the both of us which was amazing!
Last stop before we left was lunch. Another really cool thing about the park is that they have little terrariums next to some of the tables which makes a fun dining experience! We had a hot meal each, a milkshake each and a soft drink each too which came to about £18 in total which I think is fairly reasonable but obviously could be a little pricy should you be paying for the whole family!
All in all, we did have a pretty nice day and I would recommend visiting if you have never been before! That being said, I think now we have been once we wouldn't return again unless they were to get some new animals/attractions but I would say that is probably the same for most places so is nothing personal. Highlight of the day - the tigers. Lowlight of the day - the road getting in to the park combined with Kals driving!
Let me know, have you ever visited Lincolnshire Wildlife Park or would you like to visit? You can find Lincolnshire Wildlife Park on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, as well as their website.
Disclaimer: This blog post is in no way sponsored and all opinions and photographs are my own.
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